
Lindungi diri dan orang tercinta dengan vaksinasi lengkap di Medicelle Clinic. Kami menyediakan berbagai jenis vaksin untuk semua usia dengan layanan profesional dan fasilitas modern. Dapatkan rekomendasi jadwal Vaksinasi lengkap untuk pencegahan berbagai macam penyakit dan jadwalkan vaksinasi Anda sekarang!

Woman Health

Sebagai seorang wanita, penting untuk selalu menjaga dan memeriksakan kesehatan secara berkala. Kami hadir untuk mendukung Anda dalam menjalani hidup sehat dan penuh semangat. Kami mengundang Anda untuk melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan khusus wanita di Medicelle Clinic.

Breast Health

Jaga kesehatan payudara Anda dengan pemeriksaan rutin di Medicelle Clinic. Dapatkan layanan profesional dan peralatan modern untuk deteksi dini dan perawatan terbaik.

Special Services

Why you should choose us

Cardio Monitoring

We have latest Cardio Monitoring technologies in our health care.

Expert Cardiologist

Our Expert Cardiologists are easily manage all heart surgeries.

Comfort Environment

Comfort Environment provide to all patient at heath care hospital.
dokter membawa laporan

Oxygen Therapy

We have latest Cardio Monitoring technologies in our health care.

Septal Mastectomy

Our Expert Cardiologists are easily manage all heart surgeries.

Coil Embolization

Comfort Environment provide to all patient at heath care hospital.

Our Facilities

We Offering Healthcare Services to Client's

Be Right Path for your Start Up with Business Consulting with challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence.
Be Right Path for your Start Up with Business Consulting with challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence.
Be Right Path for your Start Up with Business Consulting with challenges it presents may seem daunting, but we help you approach change with confidence.

Make An Appointment

    Have any Question?

    Book an appointment

    Have care Requirement?

    Call the hospital

    Working Process

    How We Work?

    Our expert are always provide best health care service. Why Cardioly service is best for the heart treatments all types of patients like children's, elders etc...


    Book the appointment and go to the healthcare
    Doctor Checkup

    Doctor Checkup

    Doctor checkup patient heart bit and actions
    Manage Treatment

    Manage Treatment

    Doctors are patients treatment manage easily
    Enjoy The Life

    Enjoy The Life

    Best care get patient & quickly enjoy a life

    What We Offer

    Reasonable Plan of Treatment

    We provide latest technology with expert specialist doctors in a reasonable cost. They are always provide to patient best care.

    Medical Solutions

    We are provide the best and health care medical solutions

    Heart rate monitor

    Our doctor check patient heart rate on heart rate monitor

    Basic Plan

    Medical Specialties
    Medical Consultation
    Home Visits

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    Read Our Blog

    Featured News and Advices

    We provide the special tips and advice’s of heath care treatment and high level of best technology involve in the our hospital.


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